7 thoughts on “MCM: King Henry IV of England

  1. There’s something amusingly metafictional about Mr Jeremy Irons being cast as Henry IV when his son Mr Max Irons was cast as Edward IV (Albeit in different productions), given that it was the latter who seized the throne from the House of Lancaster and brought the bloodline of Henry IV to an abrupt end.

  2. I noticed that Rufus Sewell is in the 1995 TV version. I’m surprised that Trystan didn’t make you make note of it.

  3. I quite liked Jon Finch in the role, and the idea of Jeremy Irons in anything is always a draw. Coincidentally, I just finished a long, densely researched and very fine book, “The Eagle and the Hart” (Helen Castor), about Richard II and Henry IV. Richard was almost Trumpian with his insistence on a performative kingship: “I’m not here to take constructive action, guys; I’m god’s anointed and you will adore me because I’m special.” Very glad Henry stepped in; he was sane and understood governing and good lordship and all that medieval stuff.

    1. That boom is on my TBR list. Happy to see another great review. I’m currently reading Dan Jones’s book on Henry V.

  4. Timothy West is the man in blue to the left of Ian McKellan in the 1970 production. And that’s the lovely Derek Jacobi in the 1978 production. I loved The Hollow Crown, mostly because of the glorious Rufus Sewell! I’m dying to see that Ben Mendelsohn portrayal, since he is such a versatie actor.

    1. Please forgive me, but I don’t believe that Mr Sewell actually appeared in THE HOLLOW CROWN – you may be thinking of Mr Jeremy Irons instead.

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