12 thoughts on “MCM: King Henry II of England

  1. I am now deeply, deeply sorry that nobody ever thought to cast Mr Malcolm McDowell as King Henry II opposite Ms. Jane Seymour as Eleanor of Aquitaine – now that would be a pairing fit to breed a Devil’s Brood.

    Also, I am now deeply interested in seeing Mr Brian Cox as Henry II – one suspects the role would suit him beautifully.

  2. I just can’t bring myself to watch the Stewart/Close Lion in Winter after the masterclass in acting that is the O’Toole/Hepburn one. Even with all it’s browns, which are probably more historically accurate, it’s simply the best!

  3. Gotta be Peter O’Toole–I’ve always thought he and Katharine Hepburn really nailed what Henry and Eleanor were probably like in real life, plus the stories of the two of them behind the scenes are hilarious! I’d still like to see Stewart and Close because they look as if they Get It as well, but Pete and Kate still take the cake.

    (Probably mentioned this before somewhere, but it turns out that Eleanor and Henry are my 26th great-grandparents on my mother’s side of the family–both Katharine Hepburn and Glenn Close are also descendants, FWIW–and I joke about The Lion in Winter qualifying as home movies for my family! At least we’re not all trying to kill each other any more…)

  4. Would love to see Brian Cox; he’s physically right and could also convey H2’s many kingly qualities as leader, administrator, politician. (He was no Henry VIII.)

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