4 thoughts on “Sophia (2016)

  1. I saw this several years ago and loved it. I especially appreciated that it is one of the few shows I’ve seen where the mens’ costuming equals or exceeds the women in terms of lushness and color. The interiors were rich and warm too which was a nice contrast to the harsh climate.

  2. I agree it is refreshing to see a princess accepting her destiny as a wife and queen and doing the labor to make it work.

  3. Good grief, they look as cozy and shiny as one would hope to see in a pre-modern Russia.

    Having looked through this article under the impression that the Tzarina Sophia was the mother of Ivan ‘the Terrible’ (Whom I recall died at an early age) it’s more than a little
    bit of a relief to learn that she died aged a bit more than fifty.

    Young by our standards, but at least not painfully young.

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