13 thoughts on “MCM: Colin Farrell

  1. Actually my favourite movie is the Banshees of Inisherin, which should be included here too! I love the sweaters in that movie :)

  2. It didn’t help poor ALEXANDER that TROY only had to telescope ten not always busy years into a single film, whereas the former had to try fitting a whole life of Alexander the Great into mere hours: it’s the same problem faced by NAPOLEON, really.

    Anyway, I’m delighted by Mr Farrell’s recent run of successes (Having had a soft spot for his work since FRIGHT NIGHT was remade) and especially pleased that his knack for shameless (but never dull) villainy has been duly rewarded.

    May he embody the shiftiest, the slickest and the most weirdly charming rogues for years to come!

  3. I think you forgot THE BANSHEES OF INISHERIN, which is set in the 1920s. I’m really fond of Eimer Ní Mhaoldomhnaigh’s costumes in that one.

  4. Couldn’t get through Alexander, but I loved The New World! Think I have to watch it again one of these days… :)

  5. Alexander was an interesting film, although I question some casting choices and the Irish accents threw me out of the story (I know the director wanted to present the Macedonians as outsiders, but it failed to pay off in my opinion). Also, congratulations to Oliver Stone on successfully de-hottifying Farrell. Some of us just weren’t meant to be blondes.

    I remember watching Fantastic Beasts (terrible movie) and groaning out loud when Farrell was revealed to be… Johnny Depp. No thank you!

    1. It’s interesting to note that FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM is arguably the exact point where going from Colin Farrell to Johnny Depp starts to be seen as a lateral (even a downgrade) rather than trading up.

      I’m not sure if this is pertinent, but it’s still interesting to consider how Mr Depp’s star had started to burn more red than gold even before the Amber Heard affair revealed the man at his worst and made him radioactive.


      On a more cheerful note, my Crackpot Theory is that Mr Jared Leto should have played the eponymous ALEXANDER: if nothing else, it would have made the scene where the Great King’s lady gets Alexander & Hephaestion confused make far more sense (Let’s face it, Jared Leto can definitely do Larger than Life, but there’s no Earthly way one would think him more ‘Warrior, Legend, Kingly’ than Mr Farrell, sad blond dye job or no).

      So help me, just imagine the amount of scenery Mr Leto could chew as a whacked out world conqueror!

  6. Hello Sarah ET al., sometimes my comments disappear into the ether and I don’t understand why. (Guess I had a lot of thoughts on Colin Farrell). Love your website!

    1. We have a bunch of spam filters & sometime thing get held for moderation – then we have to manually approve (esp. when ppl resubmit comments; I think that triggers the filters). Sorry! But we’ve had times when we’ve gotten bombed by bad stuff & brought the site down, so we’ve had to increase security in the past year.

  7. Miss Juli is based on a book/play by August Strindberg, and if you have gone through the Swedish school system it’s almost compulsory. I have seen several adaptations, even a ballet version.
    I do admit that it’s not a fun story at all, but it’s definitely a classic here and with Colin in it I could consider watching it again.

  8. ‘Hart’s War’ was interesting enough at the time I watched it- but other than the basic details of the plot (essentially- Farrell’s former law-school PoW character, & others are pawns in the cat-&-mouse game between the titular Hart, & the camp authorities) it’s not particularly memorable; except for the star roster: lead by Bruce Willis-when-he-still-cared {as Hart} – Mr Farrell – Cole Hauser – Terrence Howard – & a small, but important role for the future Mr ‘Entourage’ lead…

    He was also in ‘Ride with the Devil’ from the 90’s- again, a hell of a cast roster for a very B-grade movie, in my memory: Tobey McGuire – Farrell – Jewel – Jim Caviezel – a really young & sinister-looking Jonathan Rhys-Myers – fellow Antipodean, Simon Baker won my ‘Spot the Aussie’-game, & I think Jeffrey Wright & a couple of other familiar faces were in it, too- but I can’t recall them by name, for love nor money…

    And he was in some Jesse James movie, in the early 2000’s- I think it was called ‘American Outlaw’, with Ali Larter – Timothy Dalton was the head of the Pinkertons, & I think Kathy Bates was his mum.

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