I don’t know about you, but I never really thought of Brad Pitt as a guy who works in a lot of historical films, but looking at his list on IMDB, it quickly becomes apparent that he’s got a pretty good chunk of films set pre-1969 to his name. So let’s check them out!
A River Runs Through It (1992)

Interview with the Vampire (1994)

Legends of the Fall (1994)

Seven Years in Tibet (1997)

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002)

Troy (2004)

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

Inglourious Basterds (2009)

The Tree of Life (2011)

12 Years a Slave (2013)

Fury (2014)

Allied (2016)

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)

What’s your favorite Brad Pitt historical flick? Tell us in the comments!
I haven’t seen Allied, but her outfit in that photo makes me want to!! Love the New Look jacket.
She has great outfits! I need her hat! I’ve looked for years but can’t find a similar one.
Brad Pitt isn’t a bad actor, but when you see him up against Peter O’Toole in Troy you see the difference between Great and adequate.
Peter O’Toole was so underwhelmed with the movie, he walked out of the premiere.
I was pretty underwhelmed myself. And I thought the Trojan tie dye was weird.
Legends of the Fall was the first Brad Pitt movie I saw when I was 12 on HBO. I watched it because I was in love with a promotional image of Brad that had been turned into a poster. Was it appropriate for a girl at that age to watch it? Maybe not, but it certainly was fun. That same year was when I saw Interview With the Vampire, with those lovely costumes, and Tom Cruise making me love vampires. 1995 was a good year.
If I’ve seen him in a frock flick, I’ve blocked him out. He’s on a list of men who’s branded a sex icon, I can’t see why, and thus avoid.
Allied is a massive let down. Set your expectations appropriately.
Yes, but….
Marion Cotillard’s wardrobe is to die for!
Best thing about “Once Upon A Time” was the dog.
Troy Troy Troy Troy BRAD PITT BUTT Troy Troy Troy. ;)
Come for the Pitt Butt, stay for Eric Bana in full on Trojan Prince swagger.
Also Saffron Burrows in Illium-chic gowns and jewels as Princess Andromache!
THIS. While Brad Pitt certainly looked hot (as usual), Eric Bana was ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL in this movie.
He was actually really good in “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.” I’d watch another movie of him playing Jesse James, no problem. But if I’m really honest, I adored him as Louis in “Interview with a Vampire.”
I have seen Tree of Life, and yes, it is incredibly overwrought.
I couldn’t get over the dinosaur scene…
A River Runs Through It also features the wonderful Emily Lloyd in lots of period cute outfits and hats!
Tree of Life tore me up. It may be overwrought, but I have never had a movie hit me like that one did.
I love Interview with a Vampire. Allied… kind of effed me up a bit. :P
Usually if Interview with a Vampire is on a list of movies from which I’m asked to pick my favorite, I will pick Interview with a Vampire.
Hard agree about liking about every third Tarantino film, I’m pretty much over him. I did rather like Inglourious Basterds, though, mostly because of Christoph Waltz. Brad Pitt’s scenes were really over the top. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was an absolute MESS.
I’ve never been a huge Pitt fan. He’s a somewhat boring actor but I don’t have a visceral reaction to him the way I do with Tom Cruise. It’s completely off topic but I do appreciate that Brad Pitt told Harvey Weinstein to keep his hands off of his then girlfriend, Gwyneth Paltrow. He’s one of the few men in Hollywood that confronted that rat.