You asked for it, so here’s an occasional open thread to bitch about anything tangentially related to history, costume, movies, or TV shows! Or whatever else is on your mind right now. Note that URLs are automatically held for moderation, but most anything else goes as long as you’re not bitchier than we are!
It’s finally spring, with summer right around the corner. That usually means a dead time for new frock flicks, so maybe we’ll plow through our backlogs and see if there’s some classics we have yet to review.
Any suggestions?
I’m sad there’s only one episode left to Julia. I could stand to see at least 4 more of those.
Male grooming. In so many movies, men are sown with hair all a-tangle or looking as if they’d dipped their heads in a crankcase. Amazing, since combs are one of the most common artifacts found in any archaeological dig.
Any thoughts on the new Ridley Road on PBS?
Last night I watched Safiya Nygaard’s latest collab with Colonial Williamsburg, where they created for her a custom 18th century look. It was really fun seeing a nonprofessional explore colonial clothing! I also appreciated a) that she touches on the fact that everything at the time is interwoven with the oppression of POC, and b) she talks about the fact that corsets are actually pretty comfortable and get a bad rap!
Safiya was really Good! I’m glad she touched on the opression of POCs during a time when most people didn’t blink an eye at slavery! I almost cheered when she talked about Stays being pretty comfortable! Women had to work in them! I’m officially Team Safiya!
Did you see the Nicole Rudolph’s related video, where she made Safiya’s shoes? It was enlightening.
Anything from Nicole is worth checking out.
Three Musketeers to come next year.
French movie 2 parts.
With Eva Green as Milady ( great!)
A few pictures to watch till now:
I wouldn’t judge too early, but musketeers, not guerilleros ….
what the HELL IS THAT
Season 2 of Gentleman Jack by episode please.
I’ll definitely be writing about Gentleman Jack, but not recaps. Tho’ I’ll have more from the costume designer Tom Pye, who I just talked to!
Thank you. Thank you ad infinitum. And I’m glad Mr Pye will be interviewed as well. Gentleman Jack is one of the best shows around.
Just watched “Tales That Witness Madness” (1973). There was a segment where a young man is transported back to the late 19th century, and, SURPRISE, the costumes weren’t craptastic. As an extra added bonus, the hairstyles were also decent. Color me shocked. :)
Dear FF Ladies, would be wonderful to see your reviews of Chariots of Fire (1981), Spoils of Poynton (BBC 1970) and Lady Windermere’s Fan (BBC 1985) – all rather good Frockage!
The only one of these that’s currently available streaming is Chariots of Fire, which I’ve seen & it didn’t excite me. Sorry! Here’s some tips for recommending stuff to us:
Did you do the Young Victoria movie? I searched and couldn’t find.
Really? I had no trouble finding it. In fact, there were 2 parts as well as a short review. :)
Operation Mincemeat currently on Netflix. WWII espionage with Colin Firth who is gorgeously greying, Kelly McDonald, Jason Isaacs, Penelope Wilton, Matthew Macfadyen – this cast is a MCM/WCW right here!
Kelly McDonald is my chosen doppelganger, it’s actually a bit eerie how much her younger self and my much younger self resemble each other. So, that’s a thought, who would be your historical and/or actor doppelgangers?
Lots of uniforms of course, but nice workwear and hair on the women, and some Lindy swing dancing.