18 thoughts on “TBT: Chouans! (1988) – or A Tale of Two Mullets

    1. Ha! I actually thought it was some sort of hat as well– and it made me think of those ridiculous “wig hats” they had in the early ’60s, that were caps made of long (about 3″-4″) plush that you brushed into beehive “hairdos.”

      Man, that’s one wretched wig. In any period.

  1. Loving the phrase, “No, it’s a 1980s hair-metal mullet.” Honestly, the hair-metal bit is unnecessary, it’s an 80s millet hard core hehehe. I see the problem – all these actors with luxurious mullets, unwilling to cut their hair because it takes so long to grow, so…SCHAWING!!!

  2. This Revolutionary soap opera sounds like something I’d enjoy, even if it sounds completely ridiculous. The costumes look… okay, if on the cheap side (and even better if you don’t look too closely).

    Re: the love affair between Aurèle and Céline, and how it shouldn’t actually be a thing because of the Westermarck effect, I’ve noticed that this a popular trope in late 18th century/early 19th century novels. I love reading old Gothics, and this comes up over and over again: the young boy or girl raised raised by a family, and he or she falls in love with their adopted sibling. Yes. I know. It’s gross. But it’s EVERYWHERE. I don’t know why! Why was it a thing? Why??? I’m going to have to ask some experts, because I really do find it baffling.

  3. The best thing about this film your post about this film. I mean, Sophie Marceau is beautiful and Lambert Wilson is attractive. That’s all I got. Thanks for taking a bullet for us on this one!

  4. That movie! I was quite young when it aired on TV and now I can say it: my poor parents when my young mind didn’t understand the shagging scenes ( or the scene with the young soldier and the rebels… the one who know, they know). Thanks to the power that be they were quick with the remotes XD

      1. Yes, that one! Just imagine an innocent young me asking “mom, why do they want to spank him?” My mom “weeeeell…”

  5. I have to admit, that I loved the movie, when I was young. But I’m a big fan of Philippe Noiret and Sophie Marceau and the movie is from the period of their prime as leading stars of French cinema. Rewatching the movie 10 years ago I did’nt like the stereotypes and the very cheap uniforms and details in the background. Now I checked it again and I’m surprised how many actors I love today from that cast (Wilson, Turckheim, Cassel).

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