11 thoughts on “5 Revolutionaries Who Need Movies Made About Them

  1. Nanny of the Maroons, who lead the Jamaican Windward Maroons in a war against the British and won freedom and land for her people.

    Osceola, led resistance against American colonizers during the Second Seminole American War. Stabber of treaties.

    My ancestor John Horse, another leader in the Second Seminole War and in peace time. Lead a band of Black Seminoles across the border into Mexico to avoid American slavery and negotiated for land and military positions.

  2. Yes, need some more love for Toussaint Louverture, or for Dessalines, or any of the Haitian revolutionaries. I would love to see a positive portrayal of Haiti in the media.

    As a Canadian, I believe we need a new version of Riel’s story. I have lots of love for the 1970s miniseries, but it would be good to have a new version that cleans up the historical inaccuracies. Other Canadian rebels who need more public exposure are Mackenzie and Papineau from the 1837-38 uprisings.

  3. I’d love to see an adaptation of Paul Revere’s Ride by David Hackett Fisher. He really researched this event and made it come to life. It would be really exciting! Too many people just dismiss the American Revolution as “done”, but there haven’t been many good movies about it. Too often they try to cover too many events. It was a long war!

  4. I’d be happy to see a biopic of Marguerite de Valois that wasn’t an adaptation of Dumas’ book. She was a fascinating person in her own right, an advocate for women’s rights, and as it was her marriage to Henry of Navarre which set off the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, she was a central figure in the French Wars of Religion.

    Another person I’d like to see represented is Henriette Campan. She was a lady-in-waiting to Marie Antoinette and her memoirs provide almost all of what we know about the royals’ private life before the Revolution. She survived the Revolution and became an advocate for girls’ education. Her most lasting contribution was probably the inclusion of home economics in her cirriculum.

    Germaine de Stael would be another interesting subject. She was another first-hand witness of the French Revolution who managed to live all the way through it. Her life would make a roller coaster of a Philippa F. Gregory novel if you added some incest to it.

  5. Completely OT, but I was saddened to hear of the death of Glenda Jackson. RIP, Glenda. You were a true individual.

  6. So sorry to hear that Glenda Jackson is dead. The greatest onscreen Elizabeth I, in my opinion.

    I’d love to see a miniseries about Toussaint L’Ouverture.

  7. Thomas Sankara.
    Aung San.
    Both history-making, mostly positive figures, ongoing legacies, killed by their own.
    The downside is that such movies would require familiarity with events most people don’t know about, even though we know the larger picture – colonialism, WWII…

  8. Wow! Can’t wait to go learn more about Amelio Robles Avila. Thanks for the tip!

  9. Alberte-Barbe D’ernécourt, Dame de Saint-Baslemont. Composer Lisa Neher and I wrote a short opera about one event in her life, but she’d make a great feature-length movie. During the Hundred Years’ War, she disguised herself as the “chevalier de Saint-Baslemont,” protecting her lands and people, even fighting and winning a duel against a man who tried to take over her chateau.

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