Everyone loves a good tiara, right? Well, here’s five of my favorites in no particular order!
The Princess Bride (1987)

Hamlet (1990)

Anne of the Thousand Days (1969)

The Crown (2016-)

Cleopatra (1963)
Do you have a favorite crown or tiara from historical film and TV? Share it with us in the comments!
The one in Hamlet looks most like a real crown.
Yes, I was thinking that too. Anne’s is nice but the crown of the Queen of England should have crosses and Fleur de lys around the rim not just points. Buttercup’s crown is just insane, appropriately so. Believe it or not Queen’s of Egypt actually wore structures like Elizabeth Taylor’s. How they kept them on is anybody’s guess!
And Elizabeth Taylor managed a deep bow without that thing falling off!
That whole costume was amazing.
It was. I got Cleopatra on video tape back in ancient times just for her amazing outfits. There’s a blow by blow, gown by gown review right here on Frock Flicks.
I think I need a Grand Duchess Vladimir Tiara. Help me, Mr. Amazon.
69.99 on amazon. https://www.amazon.com/SepBridals-Classic-Zirconia-Accessories-CH10223/dp/B07Q79NW34/ref=sr_1_19_sspa?keywords=tiara+with+pearls+dangling&qid=1583326353&sr=8-19-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzTjIzMFROUTZUMkRMJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDc1NDAzMVJWUFBUVEs2VTNOWiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNjU1MzEyM0RON09BVFVaUkM0MSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX210ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
There are a couple of tiara replicas in Nicholas and Alexandra. I want her iconic pearl one.
I might be Team Queen Bavmorda from Willow. I know it is pure fantasy and not historical, but her crown is just so pointy and villainy and fabulous. Plus: bonus wimple!
I still love Leslie Ann Warrens sweet little one in Cinderella!
I liked Claire Foy’s coroation crown in Wolf Hall more😊(the crown on Genevieve looks cheap as you said,but Genevieve IS Anne).Poor Claire,must be tired of playing those crowned queens.
Except a tiara isn’t a crown. It isn’t even a coronet. It’s a piece of jewellery, which any woman is entitled to wear provided either (a) it’s after 6 pm, she’s in a full-length evening gown, and she is or has been married, or (b) she’s a bride on her wedding day, in which case it’s OK at any time of day – but she still needs a full-length gown!
You don’t have to be married or any of that to wear a tiara.
If you own a tiara and want to wear it to breakfast in your pajamas, do it!
The guideline you’ve listed are societal expectations that might have been followed many years ago, when tiaras were more commonly worn.
There might still be guidelines for wearing jewellery to certain events, say a formal event where members of the British Royal family will be present, but otherwise… Go for it!
Gotta go with The Crown and Victoria. I loved all of Sophie Marceau’s crown/tiara/whimple combos in Braveheart. (I know it’s dangerous around these parts to praise Braveheart, but one of you ladies did a post on how at least they got the whimples right in that film.)
Glinda the good witch from The Wizard of Oz! No brainer. Duh! ;)