Well, I may have gotten a teeny bit excited about this show and thought that I could do a post per episode about The New Look (2024) because the costuming content would be SO amazing.

I wish I could say there were amazing costumes in this episode, but I would be lying. Don’t get me wrong! There were TONS OF PLOT, but costume content? What this blog is about? Yeeeeah, not so much.

The bulk of this episode is devoted to Christian Dior trying to figure out what happened to his sister, while Chanel more or less has Elsa Lombardi kidnapped because she has connections to Winston Churchill. Everyone is struggling, and/or has been kidnapped in their underwear, and so there really is not a heck of a lot to talk about as far as clothing goes.
I really hope this isn’t going to be another White Queen, where I got excited about the first episode and then had to sit through another eleventy million episodes of no costume content… If Episode 3 doesn’t offer anything in the way of actual costume content, then I’m going to pivot to something else and just do a recap at the end of the series, because I really don’t want to subject you all to a weekly post that basically amounts to “Great show, no costume content.”
Please tell me some more about how much you hate Coco Chanel in the comments. I super love hearing about that while I’m trying to provide you with costuming content.