4 thoughts on “TBT: Saraband for Dead Lovers (1948)

  1. Good point about paintings not being as accurate as fashion plates. Paintings were basically the AI of that time, maybe they didn’t have extra fingers, but they definitely had some weird “interpretations by the painter of what was actually going on.” And as someone who attempts to paint, clothing is HARD.

    1. This era was esp. weird with paintings — the fashion was for romanticized not realistic paintings, trying to look “timeless” in draperies that evoked classical Rome & Greece instead of current clothing. But every period’s painting shows the idealized beauty to some extent!

  2. I just watched this a few days ago and I was amazed at how good the production looks, sets, decor etc, I just wish productions of the time hadn’t gone the way of putting fully contemporary shoulder pads on the men’s costumes.

    P.s. as good as it looks, the story is dull and only gets good towards the end

  3. I loves me a good fontange headdress! As Seen on Mrs. Potts amongst others in the 2017 remake of Beauty & The Beast!

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