Am I the only one who remembers the TV show Homefront? It had an all too brief run in the early 1990s, but the series was remarkable for looking at what happened in the states after World War II soldiers came home and how society began to change after the war. Historical dramas were fairly uncommon at that time on network TV in the U.S., and the series struggled to gain more than a small, devoted fanbase. It was ahead of its time — today, Homefront could have found a strong niche on cable or streaming and lasted four or more seasons. Alas, it’s never been released on VHS or DVD, and there are only snippets found on YouTube.
Set in a fictional small-ish town in Ohio between 1945 and 1947, the stories revolved around several families, the Metcalfs, the Sloans, the Davises, and others. Social issues such as racism, sexism, and capitalism were explored. A decorated war hero comes back to experience discrimination because he’s black. Women who took on higher paying jobs during the war are fired or relegated to minor jobs. Union leaders agitate for better wages. All of these play out realistically without too much of a heavy hand. And the serious matters were all woven around a standard helping of romance and family drama.
Costume designers Chic Gennarelli and Lyn Paolo won two primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Costuming for a Series and Jerry Gugliemotto and Barbara Ronci won an Emmy for Outstanding Hairstyling for a Series. At the time, Homefront‘s costumes did seem historically accurate for a TV series, but looking at the photos now, it appears a bit more 1940s by way of the 1980s. But it’s hard to say from just a few stills and poor-quality vids.
Homefront ring any bells?
It is one of my favorite television shows of all time. Frankly, I consider it better than the much praised “MAD MEN”. In fact, I feel that it’s one of the best ever.
Agreed! The storylines had such complexity.
To this day I’m still looking for this show on dvd. Guess it ain’t gonna happen. If I ever get the chance to get another bootleg copy. I’m buying. I loved the families on this show. I don’t care if it was only one season. I still want it almost thirty years later.
Yes!!!!!!! It was one of my favorite shows. I swear i found episodes online a few years ago but I can’t find them now. I was so disappointed when it was cancelled. To my young eyes I remember thinking the costumes were very well done. I’m so curious to see what I would think of them now.
The full episodes were on YouTube a few years ago, but they’ve all been taken down. The clips above (& a few more, but all just clips) are what’s left. It’s so weird that the series hasn’t been released as a DVD box set or on streaming — it’d totally sell. Whoever has the rights is just sitting on it :(
I’d buy it in a heartbeat. Such a shame.
Yes, I remember this show – thought it was pretty good. Don’t have any images of the costumes though.
I scoured the internet & these are the best images I could find! There were a few more pix but smaller or lower quality. The video clips help show the costumes. There’s just so little of Homefront available now, which is such a pity
I’ve never watched this series, but you peaked my interest. Found an online upload: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=D1B5A20F5693D03E&id=D1B5A20F5693D03E%21204&parId=D1B5A20F5693D03E%21105&o=OneUp
Actually, for some reason she uploaded the first episode and then skipped to 13. But here’s the FB thread if anyone wants to contact her about getting the rest: https://www.facebook.com/TheKyleChandlerFanClub/posts/10152586677068859
loved this series. wanted to share with my girls but never could find it anywhere.
I think they couldn’t release it on DVD due to the expense of all the music licensing. They reran it on TV Land back in the late 90s, and I’m pretty sure my mom still has all those tapes!
I think that’s not uncommon. Music rights held up the DVD release of WKRP in Cincinnati for aeons. It was finally released a couple of years ago, and I think they were finally able to get most of the original music included.
This show is a beloved memory for my sister and I. We can remember almost every plotline and character, even 20+ years later. Jeff and Ginger remain our standard for the best tv couple ever. And Kyle Chandler will ALWAYS be Jeff Metcalf in my heart.
I’m so glad to find that other ppl remember & enjoyed the show too! For years, I’d think of it & hum “Accentuate the Positive” & mention the show, & ppl would have NO IDEA what I was talking about. And researching this post, I found hardly anything about Homefront online, a few skimpy articles & mentions here & there, but, as I said, very few images & clips.
I think they couldn’t release it on DVD due to the expense of all the music licensing. They reran it on TV Land back in the late 90s, and I’m pretty sure my mom still has all those tapes!
So, we’re going to be deprived of viewing “HOMEFRONT” via DVD, because the entertainment business is cheap? Great.
Really, of all the things to cheap out on, hmph.
I adored this show! Especially the storyline with the Italian concentration camp survivor and war widow who was in love with Ginger’s ex-fiancé. He was married to a Bitchy English war Bride that was screwing around.
Yes! That was fascinating & had such good actors.
This is they show where I fell in love with John Slattery! My friends made fun of me because I had to get home in time to watch it, no matter what else was going on.
Every once in a while, I search youtube and amazon, one day it’ll magically appear!
I loved this show! The stories, the costumes, all of it.
Thank you! You made my day with this post. And, as a high school teacher in May, that was sorely needed! I thought I was the only one who remembered this show. Another good one from the early 90s is “The Young Riders,” which is now on Encore Western. The costumes in that one are terrible, but the show itself still pretty engaging.
Young Riders! I adored that show! My first cosplay was as Lou on the show. Which was just killer as the actress was tiny, dark, olive skinned and short haired. I am 5’6, strawberry blond, greened eyed, pale, and built like a Viking.
I can’t remember if I’ve seen this show when it first came out, but it sounds exactly like the sort of thing I would love! I’ll definitely watch it if it ever comes out on DVD or streaming.
. Another good one from the early 90s is “The Young Riders,” which is now on Encore Western. The costumes in that one are terrible, but the show itself still pretty engaging.
Yeah, the costumes did suck on “THE YOUNG RIDERS”. But it was a damn good show. I have DVD copies of all three seasons.
I’m with Melissa up there. I loved this show for John Slattery in all his dapper, angular handsomeness!
OMFG! I thought I was the only one!! I loved Kyle Chandler drool
I, too, had heard there were issues with licensing the music. I have a “friend” who found a bootleg copy of the episodes on DVD once, in poor quality or so I’ve heard ;-)
OMG, I cannot believe you posted on Homefront! I loved, LOVED that series and was just thinking about it the other day. Serendipitous!
I loved this show. I wish if they cannot release the first, this would be one of the few remakes (only if they remake it with quality) that I could stand behind. Ginger was my favorite!! Remember the happy housewife radio show she did? And the forsythia, I’ll never forget that.
So many shows have been held up because of music rights, American Dreams is another one. This show and the AMC show REMEMBER WENN were two of my favorites. Back in the day, when prime-time was crawling with soaps, Soap Opera Digest even recapped it. Probably because of all the former soap actors like Kelly Rutherford and Tammy Lauren.
Oh yes, completely forgot about Remember WENN. Loved that show too!!!
I have been trying to find Homefront forever ! I only got to see a few of the episodes ,but I enjoyed the few I got to see. Was disappointed ,when I found out it isn’t available anywhere.
Favorite show of all time! Check every few months to see if it’s out on DVD. Have set that was recorded on VHS then transferred to DVD but quality not very good. Would love a good quality set where costumes are as vibrant as 1st time show was broadcast. Still watch set I have a few times a year though.
I didn’t think I’d ever find anyone other than my daughter and myself who remembered this show! It’s just totally perplexing that even though Oprah Winfrey put out a call to save this show…it didn’t happen! I do remember reading an article somewhere that said they were having a hard time keeping costumes because the actor and actresses were “borrowing” them left and right. LOL Good Lord I wish they would wake up and release the DVD set.
My wife & I are long time WW2 reenactors and when we were first married, watched this series and loved it. We were just talking about it after watching another show that reminded us of this show. Trying to find videos to watch again
GOD, I loved this show! Watching some episodes that someone uploaded to YouTube now….that’s the only way. I wish they would release this on DVD! It’s a shame that Warner Bros or Lorimer Studios doesn’t know what a hit this would be if they were to release it on DVD — or they would try to release it! Here’s hoping, some day!
I am from Austria and stumbled across the show many years ago in the croatian TV. I absolutely loved it!
Every now and then I try to find it on the Internet. I recently watched season 1 on youtube, but sadly I couldn´t find season 2.
But I found this on Mimi Kennedys facebook account:
Maybe someday I can watch it on DVD, I´m not giving up hope!
This show is my all time fave and I would be glad to spend a dime if I could only get my hands on a DVD. I loved many of the characters, even when they were awful people. It was so well-written that you could complete understand where each them were coming from. My absolute faves are, of course, Jeff and Ginger.
Yes! There is a Facebook group page of fans for this series. We are trying to get it released on DVD! (with no luck so far)
I think I’m already part of that FB Group — Accentuate the Positive?
Yes that’s it. Great!
I absolutely loved the show and have been searching for it for years. Please please let me know if you find it!
Nope – you are not the only one! People have been searching high and low for media – it just isn’t being produced. I joined a Facebook group to keep up with any news. Go check it out.