Enchanted April (1991) is a beautiful, perfect, engrossing movie. It sounds small: four Englishwomen rent a castle in Italy for a month in the 1920s, and are transformed by “Italy.” But it’s surprisingly touching and moving, and if you haven’t given yourself the present of luxuriating in this film, do it now!
There are four main characters: Lottie (Josie Lawrence) is a somewhat flowery middle-class housewife, while Rose (Miranda Richardson) works tirelessly for the poor and is ignored by her romance-novelist husband. The two hatch the plan to rent the house, then along comes Mrs. Fisher (Joan Plowright), a cranky older woman who lives in the past, and Caroline (Polly Walker), a gorgeous socialite who is bored of society. All four want something MORE, and the more they find is their own inner selves as well as connection with each other — and, surprisingly, some men! Speaking of which, Alfred Molina and Jim Broadbent play husbands, while cutie Michael Kitchen is the property owner.

The costumes were designed by Sheena Napier (Howards End 2017, Galavant, Parade’s End, Ballet Shoes, The Heart of Me, The Turn of the Screw), and she was justifiably nominated for an Oscar for her work on this film. Sadly I can’t find any interviews or commentary by her on the film, but there is an interesting recap of a talk she did talking about her career on the now-defunct Damn, That’s Some Fine Tailoring courtesy of Internet Archive.
When the film begins, Lottie and Rose are pinched, worn, and beaten down by the greyness of life in London. Their wardrobe reflects this, being mostly browns and blacks, although Napier includes some great details, particularly on the hats:

Lady Caroline is a shock of red and purple, and at first you share Lottie and Rose’s awe at her glamour:

When they get to Italy, everything warms up and relaxes. Everyone’s wardrobe starts including more color, and the hair sometimes even comes down:

Are we worthy of such a wonderful film as Enchanted April?
I LOVE THIS FILM! It’s absolutely enchanting, no other description could fit
Thank you for the unknowingly birthday prezzie. I absolutely love and adore this film. The cast is perfect.
This is just a perfect film. I’ve seen it with my mother many times as it is her favorite. And yes, Michael Kitchen aka Foyle really deserves his own Man Candy Monday post. ASAP if you please.
Yes, it is a PERFECTLY PERFECT film! I prescribe it to people as a tonic for the drudgery of life! Yes, more Michael Kitchen please! And thanks for this brightening of my day!
This is a favorite film for so many reasons. Such a great cast! And yes, please do a MCM with Michael Kitchen!
I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing it yet! Adding to the To Watch list immediately!
Oh, this is my comfort movie! Thanks for the writeup.
Great movie, and so much credit to the script for adapting such a delicate novel! Also yes please Michael Kitchen for MCM. He doesn’t play typical alpha male heroes and that’s why I love him!
If Kitchen isn’t well known enough to be on MCM, he should be! I adore him, he does comedy and drama equally well, oh, and yes, he’s dishy! I have enjoyed him for decades!
I vote yes for Michael Kitchen to have his own MCM. I loved this movie and now reading this post, I need to go find a copy so that I can watch it again. I’ve very glad that no one has remade it.
Yes to a Michael Kitchen MCM! (Can I vote twice?) I love this film! The costuming, the music, the pacing – all perfection! It’s one of my go-to films during a long Minnesota winter!
A friend told me she once sat behind Michael Kitchen, driving in the fog in Sussex, trying to find a house and being totally transfixed by the back of his head……………….yes to MCM
Never seen this film, but now want to and yes please to an MCM on Michael Kitchen, I loved him in Foyle’s War.
Add another vote for Michael Kitchen.
One of my favourite films (and the book too) – I saw it when it was first released at the cinema and many times since. When I’m feeling grim, it’s either Enchanted April or A Room with a View that revives me. Both perfect films. My only issue with Enchanted April is that I wish Kate Lumley had come to stay!
Love love love this movie! I watch it every year in April. :) and Yes! to a Michael Kitchen MCM – he’s so great in Foyle’s War!
yes on Michael Kitchen! I’ve been a Kitchenette for years!
There should be no discussion as it’s a given that MK is MCM! This is response to shared post from a FWAS member . . . “Honey, when it comes to man candy, Michael Kitchen is Lindt milk chocolate.”
Need to add that it’s a no brainer over at FWAS.
Darn, Foyles War Appreciation Society FB
adore this film too, and Michael Kitchen!
The book is a delight too x