We’re costumers, so of course we love Halloween! But we’re women and feminists, and we’re pretty sick of the trend that makes all female Halloween costumes into “sexy ____” such as “sexy nurse,” “sexy RoboCop,” “sexy insurance adjuster,” etc.
Thank the goddess that Take Back Halloween is around! This brilliant site is chock full of smart and FUN ideas for each Halloween costumes anyone can put together, no or minimal sewing needed. It’s geared towards girls and women who want to dress up as strong, smart, sassy, cool female characters for Halloween, all without putting body parts on display or reducing yourself to just your capability for sex. Yes, you can be attractive AND awesome! Bonus points for most of these costume ideas being really cool historical women!
Some faves include Eleanor of Aquitaine, a powerful medieval queen of France and England, which you can be with just a long maxi dress, a print top, and some ribbon trim; Nu Wa, the ancient Chinese creator goddess with a dragon body, who you can depict with a couple inexpensive things from a costume shop; and Marie Laveau, the 19th-century voodoo queen of New Orleans, which you can represent with a black skirt and top, plus some shawls. There are plenty more to choose from, just search through the site.
What are you going to be this Halloween?