Whatever happened to these cute floppy-haired boys in late 1980s to early 1990s frock...
Before World War II, hats were an essential part of western fashion for both...
Looking for something light and historically adjacent? The BBC comedy series Ghosts (2019-) is...
The costume designers who worked with Italy’s Tirelli Costumes are famous for both meticulous...
I was surprised to enjoy The First Lady — Showtime’s 2022 miniseries about the...
Here at Frock Flicks HQ we have access to Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and...
It’s not that I find Rex Harrison particularly swoony. Fun fact: I’m not especially...
Flashback (2021) is a recent French comedy about a modern-day lawyer who successfully defends...
I don’t know what role or movie really stands out to me as Annette...
Ok, the previous Matthew Macfadyen post was a bit… lacking… owing to a minor...