The Other Boleyn Girl
To go with our podcast of The Other Boleyn Girl, here are some of the costumes we reference…
Major shout-out to the fabulous Costumer’s Guide to Movie Costumes for being such a great resource for movie costume images! Here’s the main page for Other Boleyn Girl images.
- The Circle dresses — Anne’s and Mary’s
- The headdresses — early (see the Circle dress images), court (Anne’s green dress), Marian (see Mary’s orange dress), Gable (see Anne’s trial gown and Catherine of Aragon and her ladies)
- Sari fabrics — the badly applied trim was on Anne’s peacock dress
- Henry’s copper and blue brocade fabric
- Henry’s chenille robe (maybe?)
- Morning after marriage — crazy printed couch robes
- Billaments on court gowns — see, for example, Anne’s green gown and Mary’s orange/red gown
- Bodice fitting — Catherine of Aragon
- Chemises — see for example Mary’s orange robe
- Jewelry, partlets, and hair — you can see these throughout most costumes
- Execution scene — sadly no stills showing the coif, but here’s the dress
Favorite costumes:
Kendra’s — Anne’s green gown
Sarah’s — Mary’s orange robe
Trystan’s — Anne’s trial dress, gowns with overpartlet like Anne’s brocaded gown
Least favorite costumes:
Kendra’s — the Circle dresses – Anne’s and Mary’s
Sarah’s — Anne’s Cranach (riding) dress
Trystan’s — Mary’s black patterned gown
Everybody’s least favorite:
Men’s hair — Dad’s dorky hair, Henry’s crop
Anne’s Calla Lily dress