Julia Roberts is only semi-painful as a progressive professor at Wellesley College. Kirsten Dunst,...
Twentieth Century
Historical costume movies & TV set in the Edwardian era through the 1960s.
Too few people have heard of this movie (or the original book), both of...
I liked this sequel to the 2002 Forsyte Saga miniseries much more than the...
Wooo boy! I knew this looked absolutely terrible, but I’ve said it before and...
This BBC production tells the story of Prince John, the learning disabled and epileptic...
I really liked this movie and was surprised that more people didn’t see it. ...
Helena Bonham Carter and Olivia Williams star as sisters in 1930s London who love...
A wonderful reinterpretation of 1950s Douglas Sirk films, with Julianne Moore giving an amazing...
Yet another film that EVERYONE seems to have freaked out over and I just...
Not all I wanted it to be, but cute and visually interesting nonetheless. Media...