Major caveat: I have never read the 1920 novel this is based on! So, DH Lawrence sure thought he knew a lot about women, eh? Two sisters try to find sexual fulfillment and love in a painful, overly intellectual way. Rosamund Pike and Rachael Stirling are both great actresses, and they do a great job in their roles. However, they’re constrained by the plot, which goes through some weird twists and turns, and is full of people doing very stupid things if their goal in life is to be happy — of course, if they like despair and suffering, then they’re totally on track! The costuming is well done, with Gudrun in some particularly nice artsy 1920s gear. Sorry, apparently I’m not Lawrence’s target market!
I’m curious about watching this film, and while researching found that it’s actually a remake of a 1969 Ken Russell version with Glenda Jackson and Oliver Reed. Now I may rent both from Netflix, but knowing Ken Russell’s other films, I suspect the older version maybe more interesting to watch (though costumes could be troublesome). https://www.thefilmyap.com/movies/women-in-love-1969/