This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent...
Anna Robbins
Did the world need a second Downton Abbey movie? Did I need to see...
Frock Flicks note: This is a guest post by our friend Loren Dearborn, who...
As longtime fans of the TV show, we were interested to see how the...
Her eyebrows — as the infamous Lady Mary, at least — became a Twitter...
With seemingly endless hours of historical costume movies and TV shows on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon...
While I have zero affection or interest for 1950s clothing (or really anything post...
June is traditionally wedding season (hi, I’m married to a professional videographer, so I...
To commemorate the end of Downton Abbey, we’re looking at how fashions changed over...
To commemorate the end of Downton Abbey, we’re looking at how fashions changed over...