Ten years ago we reviewed Wilde (1997) for the costumes, but I feel like it’s been long enough to revisit the movie and focus on just how many insanely hot men are in this film. Like, talk about eye candy! There’s practically something for everybody!
Stephen Fry as Oscar Wilde

Jude Law as Lord Alfred Douglas

Ioan Gruffudd as John Gray

Michael Sheen as Robbie Ross

Orlando Bloom as “Rentboy”

So who’s your favorite actor in Wilde (1997)? Tell us in the comments!
Can you make the Klimt post available, since the deadline passed?
We never post articles on weekends & we have an MCM post on Mondays, so that means Klimt will be posted tomorrow. If you really want to see a Patreon post asap, you can always subscribe :)
Thank you so much for this, just what I needed for this Monday morning at what can feel like the end of the world. Gorgeous men shedding beautifully proper clothing in luscious interiors accompanied by glorious music…emotionally this film is heartbreaking, but visually it is pure SWOON. And while I don’t think my ancient female self would stand a chance with even Michael Sheen as Robbie Ross, I am confident he would take me out for tea and listen to my woes. Anyway, thanks again for this and the bright spot FF always provides.
Growing up, my friend and I had a tradition where we’d do sleepovers and try to rent as many movies featuring our flavour of month crush as we could get our hands on. As a thirteen year old, Orlando Bloom’s teeny tiny role was a bit disappointing but looking back I do have to appreciate the film for introducing me to both Michael Sheen and Ioan Gruffud (especially since Gruffud had his own flavour of the month feature a few years later via King Arthur).
Swoon-worthy indeed.
I will watch anything that involves Fry, Sheen, and/or Gruffudd. And speaking of Gruffudd in King Arthur, was there ever a man candy review of that group? Swoon worthy Mikkelsen, Stevenson, and all the rest of those lovely Sarmatian knights!
^^THIS. In my mind the alternate title for that particular King Arthur movie is “FINE Men in Arthurian Times Plus Kiera Knightley in a Sports Bra”
Oh, goddess, Gruffudd! Now there is a gorgeous medieval-style face. As for Orlando as a rent boy; I’m sure that rent boy was successful. I like the fact that Wilde had a gift for friendship, so he had somewhere to turn after his reputation was shattered.
I, uh, suspect that the target audience for this film does not include me (For one thing, I’m reasonably sure Alfred, Lord Douglas, was the Absolute Worst – I mean what sort of selfish idiot talks the boyfriend into taking his excessively-powerful and aggressive father to court when their case is that describing OSCAR WILDE is pure slander?!?).
Oooh, wait, this movie has Ms. Jennifer Ehle, I’m not completely out in the cold!😊
Ahem, that should read “… describing OSCAR WILDE as a sodomite is pure slander?!?”
On the other hand if anyone was in a position to know whether ‘Father Oscar’ topped or bottomed it would be Alfred, Lord Douglas (If memory recalls, he who receives is technically a ‘catamite’ not a sodomite*).
*It says nothing flattering about the late Marquess of Queensbury – particularly about the quality of his education – that he specifically described Mr Wilde, in writing, as a “somdomite”.
As I recall, Douglas was not portrayed as anything other than a spoilt, narcissistic rich brat who was willing to help destroy his lover’s career in order to spite his father. (As Wilde eventually realized.) A beautiful boy, but very nasty.
I 1000% agree with this post!!!!!
Jude is certainly beautiful in this film, but I think I prefer The Talented Mr Ripley Jude, who is tanned to the color of a golden lion, which brings out the blue in his eyes so much that it’s hard to look at him. And he has that slouchy, lived-in-wealth look that is daunting yet irresistible. He’s very pouty as Bosie, which is appropriate but off-putting.