10 thoughts on “Frock Flick Free-for-All June

  1. So. Many. Sewing projects I want to complete or start working on. Got to pace myself.

  2. I have a few travel plans for the summer. I’m nervous as it will be my first time flying since the start of the pandemic. That said, I hope to fit into those trips visits to a few historic homes and museums that I haven’t yet seen. After visiting this site now for about 2 or 3 years, I’ll be keeping my eyes open in particular for any costume related exhibits that might be on view. I know that y’all include the best quality pics that you can find on this blog, but there’s nothing like seeing things that are directly in front of you. Even though I’ve been going to museums for years and years, I’ve only seen 3 exhibits that were dedicated to clothes and visited only one museum dedicated to textiles. Because of the influence of this blog, I’m going to be looking for more of those kinds of exhibits not only this summer, but going forward.

  3. Are you going to do a takedown of all those 100 years of videos by Glamour Magazine on YouTube, for Snark Week perhaps? Would love to see it!

  4. Becoming Elizabeth is coming soon, which means 8 or so episodes of me screaming about historical inaccuracies and character assassinations.

  5. I’m wondering if you’ll make a post about the costumes of s2 of gentleman jack for pride month?

  6. I just watched The King’s Daughter and it will be several days before I can even begin to process the genre-mangling insanity. Thank you, thank you, Frock Flicks, for letting me know this wackadoodle masterpiece existed!
    P.S. Charmingly menacing, morally ambiguous Pierce Brosnan is my second favorite Pierce Brosnan (right after Percy Jackson Centaur Pierce Brosnan).

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