A very quiet yet well-acted and thought-provoking tale, about a boy accused of stealing...
Twentieth Century
Historical costume movies & TV set in the Edwardian era through the 1960s.
An interesting film that doesn’t quite achieve all its aims, but is still worth...
Why didn’t anyone TELL me this was so good? This is one of those...
Wonderful, romantic, exciting, beautiful and at the same time cheesy, soap opera-y, and totally...
There are many good things about this movie, not the least of which is...
On the one hand, it’s two beautiful intertwined stories: doomed extramarital love and sweet...
A really wonderful restaging of the classic Shakespeare play with Kenneth Branagh in the...
Okay, this has to win the prize for cheesiness — Chris O’Donnell as a...
Movies just don’t get any better than this. This is a hilarious movie based...
I like this way more for the movie that it is than for the...