Ah, the year of two Emmas! Sometimes things come in bundles, and both a...
Throwback Thursday
Flashing back to favorite historical costume movies from a decade ago or longer.
Why do I hunt down some old movies? Often because I see one picture...
I’ve been thinking about Dick (1999) lately. No, really, I have. This year marks...
I’ve been rewatching adaptions of Charlotte Brontë’s most famous novel so I could give...
With a new adaptation announced as coming to PBS and causing much consternation, claiming...
We’re all huge fans of Helena Bonham Carter around here, so I thought it’d...
You’re going to laugh, but I was 14ish and 16ish when Young Guns (1988) and Young Guns...
First Knight (1995) was a creative reimagining of the King Arthur legend, hoping to...
One of my favorite movies as a kid was Blazing Saddles (1974). My mom...
If you’re looking for a fun, lightweight period musical comedy to relax your shattered...