Some time back, Kendra ranked her top 10 wedding dresses in historical movies and...
Trystan L. Bass
A self-described ElderGoth, Trystan has been haunting the internet since the early 1990s. Always passionate about costume, from everyday office wear to outrageous twisted historical creations, she has maintained some of the earliest online costuming-focused resources on the web. Her costuming adventures are chronicled on her website, TrystanCraft. She also ran a popular fashion blog, This Is CorpGoth, dedicated to her “office drag.”
We’ve done a deep-dive into the historical costume work of designer Ruth E. Carter, plus...
We’ve been all hot and bothered about Firebrand (2023) since first seeing glimpses of...
I have a soft spot for Quentin Durward (1955) — also known as The...
One of my favorite movies as a kid was Blazing Saddles (1974). My mom...
In honor of June being Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Pride Month, I’m...
Sometimes you just want to look at pretty things, and that’s why I’ve saved...
OK, we’ve all watched the first four episodes of Bridgerton (2020-) season 3 by...
The titular heroin of Charlotte Brontë’s 1847 novel Jane Eyre has been portrayed by...
Well, the limited series Mary & George (2024) is over, and since I covered...