This is one of those movies that shows up in your local video store...
Kendra has been a fixture in the online costuming world since the late 1990s. Her website, Démodé Couture, is one of the most well-known online resources for historical costumers. In the summer of 2014, she published a book on 18th-century wig and hair styling. Kendra is a librarian at a university, specializing in history and fashion. She’s also an academic, with several articles on fashion history published in research journals, and a book on turquerie in 18th century fashion released in 2023.
Yet another I really tried to like but didn’t. Natasha Little does well as...
Based on the book by Daphne du Maurier, which I obviously never read, because...
Another movie I tried to love but only liked, mostly because Gwyneth Paltrow has...
Wonderful, romantic, exciting, beautiful and at the same time cheesy, soap opera-y, and totally...
Such a downer of a story that it’s hard to enjoy, but I will...
A sad, quirky tale of love between two misfits set in Australia in probably...
Not fabulous but not terrible either — Emily Watson as Maggie Tulliver, torn between...
This BBC miniseries is my absolute favorite of all of the adaptations ofJane Eyre,...
Based on one of Louisa May Alcott’s younger writings, this is a made-for-television adaptation...