17 thoughts on “A League of Their Own (2022)

  1. Your review has made me go seek this out! And it has Janet from The Good Place so now I’m really in!

  2. The original movie is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I always wanted more of their stories. So I’m very excited about this series!!

  3. “…there were several Black women who played baseball in the Negro Leagues from the 1930s through the 1950s…”

    “Toni” Stone, Mamie “Peanut” Johnson, and Cnnie Morgan of the Indianapolis Clowns really deserve a good biopic or series of their own!

    But it’s good to at least see a nod to the presence of Black women in baseball and showing the color barrier in the AAGPBL.

    A shame this is on Amazon, because I won’t get to see it!

  4. We absolutely love this show (I’m a sucker for the movie as well, but this is even better. Definitely going as Greta this Halloween!

  5. Thank you for this review. I was one of the people concerned by the presence of Black women in the trailer because I thought it was going to try to create some sort of fake kumbaya past. So, I’m happy to see the color line being addressed in historically accurate ways, not only because of “accuracy” but because of stories related dealing with racism and baseball from my own family history from some of my older relatives. Like many people here, I really loved the 90s movie, and this series seemed like if might tarnish the shine from that one, which like someone else said, is one of my favorites. Because of this review, I’m actually going to watch it now.

  6. It has Abbi Jacobson in it, I’ll have to remember to give it a watch.

    Also, if pants, makeup and a lack of charm make someone a lesbian, does that mean my love of skirts, dislike of makeup and casual manners make me bi? (end sarcasm)

    1. I had the same thought. The hair seems generally more 40s on the background and Max’s circle, so I assumed it was a case of production wanting to make the Peaches “relatable” with modern hair.

      But!! When I went and looked at photos of AAGPBL players, quite a few of them had similar hair—a vague attempt at curls, slap on a cap and call it good—even on picture day. There’s a photo of Lucille Richards of the Racine Bells with hair almost exactly like Carson’s. So I think using hair to communicate that these women are not performing femininity in the way they’re “supposed” to is done here in a way that’s a lot more historically consistent than, e.g., having a regency heroine run around with loose hair.

      Doesn’t stop me from wanting more fancy styles to look at though!

  7. Thank you for this! I’m not usually a fan of reboots and remakes but your article convinced me to check this out!

  8. Enjoying it so far! And hooooo, boy, that was some ‘night terror!’ I can’t wait to see where all the storylines go. It isn’t a re-do of the beloved movie. And I mean that in the best way possible.

  9. I loved this show! From the acting to the writing to the costumes. I think it’s brilliant and unlike anything I have watched lately.

  10. Big fan of the original film here, and I’m really enjoying this new take. I love the winks and nods to the film (they even got in “there’s no crying in baseball”), and the richer portrayal of women’s lives at the time. Plus, the vintage clothing is AMAZING. It makes me happy to see so many great print dress, even on plus-sized women.

  11. I loved the show and the costuming. I would like to point out that Carson is from Idaho. Not Iowa. Also, not a farm.

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