An adaptation of the novel written to be a prequel to Jane Eyre and...
Up there with Pride and Prejudice as one of the best BBC miniseries of...
This BBC miniseries is WAY better than the recent feature film. Another dark Dickens...
One of those Really Terrible movies that’s just gorgeously costumed. Unrequited romance, Ralph Fiennes,...
Pretty bad — see the stage play/musical instead. Set in the 1810s and 1830s,...
This BBC miniseries is my absolute favorite of all of the adaptations ofJane Eyre,...
It’s been a while since I’ve seen this, but what I basically remember is...
Set in the 1830s with Juliette Binoche and Olivier Martinez. Cholera, missing husbands, lots...
It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen this movie about the relationship...