It’s Man Candy Monday, but in the spirit of the Friday Free-for-All (because who couldn’t use a little Friday on a Monday), let’s share our favorite historical film montages, music videos, or super-cuts! Add yours in the comments if you like! (Note: URLs are held for moderation, so give us a minute.) Or just discuss whatever! In the meantime, let’s get jiggy with it!
I wholeheartedly approve. And now I need a cold shower.
The Video is blocked in Germany.
Is it good or sad that I have watched that video numerous times and have watched – and can name – each show it references?
Same. :)
Good, I need your help for a few of them. For instance, who’s the guy at 2:12? I need to know fir some unknown reason. (It’s probably someone I’d normally recognize…)
The good-looking man looking back to the camera? I do believe that’s Greg Wise playing Mr Willoughby in the 1995 ‘Sense and Sensibility’ movie. :D
Well my day has just been made instantly better
Not just men but men in poufy shirts and/or long coats and almost all in early 19th c. costume, surely the most attractive era of malecostume. Thank you, Beau Brummel.
The horses are nice too. :-D
Ahh – palpitations every time a “North and South” clip showed up…
I love this one because it makes me imagine seeing ABBA played at an actual ball, and how silly/awesome that would be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1azbf19VR4
Rickman and Armitage! I need nothing more.
Sooooooooo pretty…
My favourite (and probably the only) video on Garrow’s Law
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OG0MnBydV9I&w=560&h=315%5D
(hope it gets posted correctly)
Lady Sarah! Glass of water! Garrow’s hands! (I have a thing about nice hands in men)
Very pleased with myself for catching the blink-and-you’ll-miss-’em clips of Cumberbatch and Gruffudd in Amazing Grace …
Loved seeing Amazing Grace get some love in that one. :-)
Maybe I’m stretching the brief a bit, but I always love Old Time Movie Stars Dance to Uptown Funk. All of them are before your cut off year, a couple were frock flicks in their era, and it’s just so much fun. I’m trying out YouTube’s embed feature in hopes it’ll let it play right in this window. fingers crossed
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1F0lBnsnkE&w=560&h=315%5D
The editing on that video is incredible! So well done.
Utter, utter perfection would have been “The Weather Girls:……………but I’m nit-picking………still delicious
I submit this is the best thing ever posted on the Internet. Thank you.
Sadly lacking the 1995 version of Persuasion but I, too, am being nit-picky – there was plenty to make up for it!
I agree that it should be there. Here’s a 1995 Persuasion compilation to make up for it. (If it works.)
I need someone delicious to fan me. I’m feeling quite warm. I adore this video!! I’ve seen this several times and I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of it.
Oh god, I miss Alan Rickman. This is now bookmarked.
I miss Alan too, what a loss to costume flicks and heterosexual women everywhere.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svKWGnrbVos, if it hasn’t already been mentioned!
This is the best thing that’s happened to me all year.
I’ve Been to a Marvelous Party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bunUqKAMP0E
Interesting compilation!! :)
Would’ve been nice if there were some clips from British Heritage films of the 1980’s & early 90’s; like Merchant-Ivory productions!! <3
My goodness what a wonderful collection of pretty men! And absolutely soaking wet too… :-D