8 thoughts on “Musings on Mary Shelley

  1. Yay, Maisie Williams! But why does every character look hungover? Must be an angsty writer thing…

  2. I saw this on a flight a couple of months ago and I really liked it overall. I expected worse based on the previews of the costumes here on FF, hehe! As you say, some of the gowns and pelisses look really limp, but the only thing that drove me really crazy was how often Mary had her hair down, especially toward the beginning. Sure, these people were very liberal for their time but I don’t think that stretches to going about looking like a streetwalker. She’d have her hair up when she goes around the city even just for practical reasons, gahd.
    I thought the acting and the story were pretty good, you could tell it was a women-led production.

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