OK, this is the movie that inspired our website’s tagline of “because stretch velvet...
Trystan L. Bass
A self-described ElderGoth, Trystan has been haunting the internet since the early 1990s. Always passionate about costume, from everyday office wear to outrageous twisted historical creations, she has maintained some of the earliest online costuming-focused resources on the web. Her costuming adventures are chronicled on her website, TrystanCraft. She also ran a popular fashion blog, This Is CorpGoth, dedicated to her “office drag.”
This Throwback Thursday is one of my true guilty pleasures — Anne of the...
The series covers Elizabeth's life from the last few years of her sister Mary's...
50 years ago yesterday, Mary Poppins premiered and released a practically perfect nanny, “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,”...