Australian (I had no idea!) actress Alice Englert is starting to turn into one of those “where do I know her from?” frock flicks actors, so I thought it was time for a WCW so I could remember where I know her from!
Hope in New Worlds (2014)
Set in the late 17th century, as people (including Hope/Englert) are trying to create a “new world” in colonial New England as well as old England. Hope is an independent tomboy.

Lady Emma Pole in Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (2015)
Set in a magical version of Regency England, Lady Emma is resurrected from the dead. Among other things!

Dolly in Ratched (2020)
A prequel to One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975), about an evil 1950s psychiatric nurse. She’s a second-tier character, a nurse who’s a nymphomaniac (well that doesn’t inspire me to want to watch this).

Buster in The Power of the Dog (2020)
I looked high and wide for a pic of Englert in this film, a “revisionist Western psychological thriller” directed by Jane Campion, but no dice. Buster isn’t a big enough character to reach the plot summary on Wikipedia, so honestly, I got nothing.

Biliana in You Won’t Be Alone (2020)
A horror film in which “a naive peasant girl in 19th century Macedonia is taken from a sheltered life of solitude, turned into a shapeshifter by a witch, then abandoned,” per Wikipedia. The plot summary is too convoluted for me to explain who Biliana is, but basically the shapeshifter takes on her form at one point.

Camille in Dangerous Liaisons (2022)
She’s the new and improved scheme-y Marquise de Merteuil in this 1780s-set reboot/prequel to the Pierre Choderlos de Laclos novel/play and films adapted from the novel.

Okay, what do YOU know Alice Englert from?
‘Hope is an independent tomboy.’
Well that’s a turnoff right there. Seems to me a traditional girl, with the usual domestic skills, struggling to learn new ones and shed her ladylike reserve and dependency would be a lot more interesting.
Mainly ‘know’ her as Jane Campions daughter it, sadly, has to be said. Theoretically unfair (D’uh!) but it may explain things. Such as casting in DL. It, granted, had huge character issues based in that script. But, nonetheless, further had two of the most unengaging, humourless lead perfomances I can put my finger on in a long, long, very long while. Everybody had to know they were up against Close/Malkovich, Gellar/Witherspoon/Phillippe even, or Benning/Firth at least? Shame about the otherwise very nice production value.
RW To Add: What on this arguably green earth was that PG 18 restriction of DL for? Completely dry’n dusty. Any marquise of any self-worth would break out into pox allover again for sheer boredom.
Fantastic Actress! It takes talent to be that believably insane! She was so good in Ratched!
I know her from Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell and the very bad film Beautiful Creatures.
Not truly historic, although there are flashes to the Civil War South, I first saw her in Beautiful Creatures with Emma Thompson, Jeremy Irons, Eran Ehrenrich(?), and numerous others you would recognize.