Catherine Earnshaw is a wild child, only daughter of the Earnshaw clan of Wuthering...
Wuthering Heights (1992)
Created by Emily Brontë in her only novel Wuthering Heights, published in 1847, Heathcliff...
Support Frock Flicks with a small donation! During Snark Week and beyond, we’re grateful for your...
Watch enough historical costume movies and TV shows, and you notice a lot of...
All of us here at Frock Flicks are fully aware that people making costumes...
Before World War II, hats were an essential part of western fashion for both...
English actress Janet McTeer has been around a lot longer, and done more frock...
I’m a lifelong anglophile and I don’t know if that’s because of my fondness...
Juliette Binoche sometimes can annoy me (she’s kind of Gerard Depardieu/Geoffrey Rush in her...
Wuthering Heights was my favorite novel as a teenager because, of course, it fit...