This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent...
The Danish Girl (2015)
He’s played gadget guru “Q” in the past three Bond movies, and he’s been...
Last week we featured some of Pip Torrens’ work from the first 20 years...
As often happens with these things, there will be an actor who I love...
And ideally these are movies or TV shows where the lesbian / gay / bisexual...
Frock Flicks note:Â We weren’t able to get to the Fashion Institute of Design &...
It’s time to award our OWN Frock Flicks Oscar for Best Costume Design! And,...
With The Danish Girl recently in theaters and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them looming on...
There’s NO way you haven’t heard about The Danish Girl, the 2015 and currently-in-theaters movie...