After the visual abuses of Snark Week, I wanted to watch something beautiful, a...
Edgar Allan Poe and Vincent Price are perfect for Halloween season, so let’s continue...
Continuing my Halloween-themed Tuesday tricks, this frock flick is more obviously spooky. Nosferatu the...
This Man Candy Monday was inspired by a comment Kendra made in her review...
I’m a sucker for the 16th century, and Starz is delivering a slightly new...
We’re recapping the 2008 miniseries John Adams each week because the 18th-century costumes and...
Let’s throw some Man Candy Monday love Michael York’s way! He’s a theatrically trained...
You’ve heard about the enormous budget, you know the stars, you’ve seen the gold...
99% of murder mystery stories do not interest me. Sorry folks, it’s true! Not...
Someone (ehem, Kendra) is kind of obsessed with puppies in historical costume movies and...