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Two years ago, I let you in on the behind-the-scenes convo that happens as we run this here blog: The three of us use a secret Facebook group to keep ourselves organized, and while no, you can’t join, I thought I’d let you in on some of the fun behind-the-scenes stuff that goes on at Frock Flicks headquarters. So without further ado, in addition to lots of boring stuff, here’s what we do behind the scenes…
Well, the hilarity continues, and I thought it was time to show you the highlights!
Your Crazy Searches

Letters We Get Letters

In Which We Whine About Doing Our Jobs

In Which You Irritate Us

In Which We Snark

In Which You Get Us

In Which We Love Ourselves

In Which We Act Like 15 Year Olds

In Which We Give Ourselves Shit

Potential Genius?

And Finally…

We love y’all! Even when we bitch about y’all!
Heh… “medieval butter churning.”
Also, the people wanting others to do their research thing: I feel like this has become rampant lately and that it is in part because people have forgotten HOW THE INTERNET WORKS! Because of social media. Maybe I’m wrong in this and it’s just an explosion of laziness. But it’s like, and im basing this on my participation in many Facebook sewing groups and on Instagram, people use social media now as a sort of “Ask Jeeves” service, forgetting that fucking Google exists.
Thirdly, you are all awesome and I love you!
Omg gold. Also, I think I’ll write y’all a bullshit email from time to time with outlandish requests just for fun. :-)
So, if rage motivates Sarah and gives her focus… does she have a Sith name?
For real though, a wee part of me wants to start searching the most random things on here, just to see what makes you laugh the most.
And you ladies need more pink drinks, given how much you put up with from us.
I enjoy the blog and the snark you three give, but man it was jarring to see the word f**k***d up there. I’ve had similar slurs thrown at me, and seeing it here dampened my enjoyment of an otherwise amusing post.
I’m 80% sure that I’m the unrepentant bonnet defender being yelled about above. I feel special! I got my own personal snark!
I’d love to see a post about porn parodies. Who wants to bet the costuming will be better than their equivalents at least 25% of the time?
I would 100% second this. Who doesn’t want to hear more about Pride, Prejudice and Peen?
I love this. :) Thanks for the laugh.