4 thoughts on “Patreon Post Unlocked: The Buccaneers (2023), Episodes 1-4

  1. Good grief, this series could have made La Belle Hendricks look like a PRINCESS but can barely scrape up to the level of ‘Bridesmaid’ (Not even ‘Bridesmaid chic’, still less Maid of Honour).

    This is a crime for which there can be a pardon, but no forgiveness.

    In the interests of fairness, the Parade of Debs looks very properly fetching (Were I a sprig of the aristocracy one would seriously consider an offer … a respectable offer, even … to a number of the young ladies).

    Also, that pink poodle is absolutely something I can imagine some fin-de-siecle eccentric rejoicing in, if only they had the nerve to put such an idea into practice.

  2. Good grief, that picture of Miss Mia Threapleton from Episode 2 RADIATES “My ancestors would own you, filthy peasants” energy: she absolutely looks like somebody plotting to become Mrs Robber Baron and rule his world with an iron will and an iron hand (Velvet glove optional).

    Good grief, certain robber barons from THE GILDED AGE look like Ophelia next to Lady MacBeth by comparison!

    I think that’s a joke, but it’s a genuinely formidable (and authentic) looking image.

  3. Good grief, Episode Three and Miss Honoria still looks like the only person who actually belongs to the Nineteenth century, as opposed to making a day trip from the Twenty-first.

    Also, that is some serious Florence Pugh energy radiating from the picture: it will be interesting to see if Miss Threapleton becomes a stalwart of the Costume Drama scene, because she certainly has the right Look.

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