Trystan has already done one installment of Top Five Epic Rap Battles of History, but I felt there was still some room for more. So here we go!
1. Miley Cyrus vs. Joan of Arc
2. Dr. Seuss vs. William Shakespeare
3. Richard the Lionhearted vs. Ragnar Lodbrok
4. Beethoven vs. Justin Bieber
5. Sir Isaac Newton vs. Bill Nye
Who won? Tell us in the comments!
Oh dear god, that Miley Cyrus. WTH was the point?
Personally, I gotta go with Tolkien v Martin as the greatest ERBH.
Absolutely no question! I love that! (and I’ve read both authors’ works)
Hahaha, they need to do Sir Isaac Newton with Brian May of Queen (who just has a CBE so no “sir” for him).
I’m surprised Ivan the Terrible vs Alexander the Great didn’t make it on here. Maybe another time.
I’m miffed I forgot to mention Gordon Ramsey vs. Julia Childs earlier.
Isaac Newton was my favourite here. However, the best duelling duo was Richard I and Ragnar 😊