This is my kind of tall, dark, and handsome with added smart and brooding. Also, Daniel Day-Lewis is very method. I love that in an actor (friends might say I resemble that, heh). He’s super choosy about his roles and hasn’t done a ton of films, but a high percentage of them have been historical costume dramas. Maybe Daniel Day-Lewis has a thing for history — which only makes him sexier! Let’s look at some of those selective and lovely roles, shall we?
A Room With a View (1985) – Cecil Vyse
Daniel Day-Lewis may be the stuffy fiancee, but he’s a good foil for Helena Bonham Carter and rather hilarious in this adorable little flick. I wish he would do more comedy, he has a knack.
The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – Hawkeye
“I will find you!” Melodramatic romance, the French-Indian War, Daniel Day-Lewis running around semi-shirtless, yeah, it’s a good time.
The Age of Innocence (1993) – Newland Archer
This is the ultimate slow burn. Married to a silly girl, yearning for the hot older woman, but perfectly proper for a lifetime. Supposedly, Daniel Day-Lewis wore 1870s formal clothing around New York City for two months, including top hat, cane and cape, to prepare for this role (if Wikipedia is to be believed). I’m in love.
The Crucible (1996) – John Proctor
He’s principled and doomed in this one, and hey, it’s Winona Ryder’s fault again! Yeah, yeah, go ahead, blame the witchy girl. DDL is still pretty awesome here.
Gangs of New York (2002) – Bill ‘The Butcher’ Cutting
The Daniel Day-Lewis historical flick I’m pretty “meh” about. Violent and gruesome isn’t my thing (unless vampires are involved; omg, DDL in a vampire movie would be SO cool!).
Lincoln (2012) – Abraham Lincoln
No, the 16th President of the United States isn’t particularly sexy, but Daniel Day-Lewis’ performance is riveting. He becomes Lincoln more than any other screen portrayal I can imagine, in ways both grand and subtle. It’s just astounding, so mad props to DDL and his superb method.
What’s your favorite Daniel Day-Lewis historical costume movie?
GoNY, a really good film until the half way mark and then it made a sudden turn into ANOTHER film entirely.I thought it was over an then there was another 90 mins.
Lincoln, I felt like I was watching the real Lincoln with other actors. What a performance!
“Mohicans.” I was a dress extra in “Age.” I wasn’t a fun time.
He’s the hottest thing ever in Last of the Mohicans. I used to think he was such a twit in Room With a View, but then I was a teenager, and now I SO appreciate him in that role. (Also, Francis and Cecil Vyse — separated at birth?)
In everything else he’s done, he’s driven me CRAZY. Can’t stand him in Age of Innocence (not totally his fault, it’s the character — TAKE SOME ACTION IN YOUR FRICKIN’ LIFE! I know, it’s the Victorian era). Gangs — he was too beardy and there were far too many meat cleavers. Crucible — great acting, but I want to drop him in a bottle of Nair.
Francis and Cecil Vyse — separated at birth? YES. I rewatched that the other night & had the same reaction.
I wanted to include the pix of DDL at the Academy Awards the year of Age of Innocence. He wore a frock coat & had long hair & was very swoony. I don’t care if the character was repressed, he was SO F-ING HAWT.
I have two favourite DDL historical films: Last of the Mohicans and Age of Innocence. Hawkeye is so very drool-worthy. His smouldering looks are the very definition of passion.Newland Archer is so hot. Men in formal wear is so very sexy. I just want to rip his clothes off. Very properly of course.
He becomes Lincoln more than any other screen portrayal I can imagine, in ways both grand and subtle.
I would say there are two other actors who are his equal in regards to portraying Lincoln:
1) Sam Waterston in the 1988 miniseries “LINCOLN”
2) Hal Holbrook, who portrayed the 16th president twice in “CARL SANDBURG’S LINCOLN” and “NORTH AND SOUTH: BOOK II”. By the way, he portrayed politician Francis Blair in the Spielberg flick.
I’ve seen both of those — tho’ not recently — & while I do admire both actor’s work, I recall them each being a bit more of the typical ‘Lincoln impression.’ (Also, Holbrook will always be Mark Twain in my eyes.) I really loved how DDL found the little things about Lincoln that aren’t usually done, the mannerisms & vocal ticks, the storytelling & habits. It was rich, subtle, utterly captivating.
Not only is DDL totally hot, he has a 20 something year old son who is following in his hawt-steps!
I’ve seen both of those — tho’ not recently — & while I do admire both actor’s work, I recall them each being a bit more of the typical ‘Lincoln impression.’ (Also, Holbrook will always be Mark Twain in my eyes.) I really loved how DDL found the little things about Lincoln that aren’t usually done, the mannerisms & vocal ticks, the storytelling & habits. It was rich, subtle, utterly captivating.
I can pretty much say the same about Hal Holbrook and Sam Waterston’s portrayals of Lincoln.
I’m coming at this late, but you forgot There Will Be Blood. That’s a historic drama and DDL friggin’ deserved his best actor win.
Oh, this is tough…for me it’s a tie between “The Age of Innocence” and “Last of the Mohicans.” “A Room with a View” is better than those other two movies, but I’m not counting it as a answer because DDL has such a small role. I’m reading this in 2019, so I also have to mention that he looked totally yummy in “The Phantom Thread.” Daniel Day Lewis is one of my very first dream men. I want him to return to acting. Until I read it in a post above, I want him to play a vampire–perhaps he and Jeremy Irons could be vampire brothers at war with each other?? Swoon!!
Just saw “The Phantom Thread.” As usual, Day-Lewis completely immersed himself in the character. It was said that this was his last film before retirement. I thought Woodcock’s designs were smashing.