We’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating, especially in light of current events in America, where we are headquartered (and over half of our readership comes from). Frock Flicks is created by three proud feminists, and we have a vested interest in writing about and promoting women’s stories and women’s history and women’s rights.
While the mission of our website and social media is to look at how historical costume is used movies and TV, the lens through which we do this is feminist. It’s sometimes queer and multiracial as well. We’ve mentioned many times that we prefer historical costume productions that have strong female characters, and going back to our very first podcasts in 2007, we have discussed women’s agency and place in the world and how movies, with their costumes, reflect this.
Not only are women’s issues relevant to us, but they’re relevant to our audience, which is over 80% female and at least 56% is between the ages of 18 to 44 (meaning reproductive years), so topics of bodily choice and consent are on our minds. We write about what we know, and Frock Flicks is our hobby, our passion, so we will always support pro-choice themes and call out misogyny in the historical costume productions we review, right there along with bitching about poly baroque satin and face-eating wigs. It’s a part of the package you get with us.
Nothing is changing, nothing has changed. This is simply a reminder that we feel is important at this time. We’ll continue to write about the historical costume movies and TV shows that interest us and that we think might interest you — a mix of the new shows and classic productions, things we love and those we love to snark. We appreciate your feedback, here and on social media, and hope you will continue to support and engage with our mission to critique film costumes and look at women’s stories with an eye towards historical accuracy.
To sound 1960-1970s, ‘Right on, sister!’
But seriously, if one reviews without socio-political context, I firmly believe that one is not giving a true review. We all love to snark, but snarking haha responsibility to be free of meanness. I mean we all know that Reign is a costume disaster, but it’s addictive and fun. Same with the Tudors.
Thank you! That’s exactly what we’re trying to get at — context matters :)
Keep on keeping on, ladies. I love and respect what you do and will always. Much love!
I love you all so much. <3 Never stop snarking.
Snark-tastic! You guys do a brilliant job, always entertaining and informative. And now I can’t watch anything without looking for unfortunate bigginses…’Camelot’ anyone?
This is why I love you all so much!
Hear hear!
I give a big giant thumbs up to this!
I’d love to see you snark on Mysteries at the Museum‘s reenactments. Not only are there obvious zippers on period pants and dresses, but they dressed an Italian king in 16th-century garb to portray an event occurring in 1720.
OMG SO BAD. Maybe someday we’ll take on the whole genre of ‘historical reenactments in history shows’ — bec. for every 2 decent ones, there are 73 shows filled with stretch velvet, face-eating wigs, & just the totally wrong costumes for the supposed period they’re talking about.
Thank you! I can sometimes be heard screaming by those who are blocks away from my house.
And don’t forget the Bobby pin/Kirby clip shortage in historical shows.
Feminism, frocks and snark. All the things I like!
right back at you! x x
Thank you, you are awesome!!!
Right on!
Ladies, you rock! Carry on!
First time I’ve commented – just wanted to say I didn’t think I could love this blog more than I already did, then I read this! Thank you!
There’s a show on either DIY or HGTV called the Masters of Flip, well you are the Masters of Snark.
I consider myself a Neofeminist.
I’m a feminist and I read Frock Flicks. :D
What a bold and proud statement (that unapologetically embracing the f-word should be considered bold in 2017 is frankly depressing, but this is where we are). Love you guys. Keep up the snark!!
Longtime reader, first time commenter! I just had to say bravo, ladies, and please never change! You’ve been a bright spot and safe haven in my day more than once, I love visiting here and feeling like I (and my nerdy costume obsessions!) belong
Exactly why i keep coming back here again and again..:)
Again I agree with all the above! Thanks and keep up the great work! :)
Thank you for this declaration, and for writing from a feminist perspective! I would love to read commentary on history from this point of view- too often I find people with a narrow mindset both regarding (fashion) history and feminism, and this makes for a very hard discussion about the things I love! I was prompted to comment by a conversation I had on-line recently, in a reenactment group- a set of people I would have thought were interested in the multifaceted topic of corsetry. However, the discussion rapidly devolved into “oh no, the organs, how unnatural”. When I tried pointing out that various factors were responsible for the continued wearing of corsets, and disagreeing with opinions like “those women were shallow, they wore corsets just for men”, “a XIX century doctor* said corsets were bad so they are”, and “nowadays we are thankfully free from oppressive social expectations” (hahaha), I got the answer “corsets are unnatural, and I consider beauty to be that which is natural, hence they are immoral”. I would love to read more on this topic and discuss! But alas, in that group, it is not meant to be.
*-no way some XIX century dude might have been a raging misogynist! Never happens!
“nowadays we are thankfully free from oppressive social expectations”
And she persisted!