8 thoughts on “Firebrand (2023)

  1. I’m excited to see this especially with the costuming being on point! Catherine Parr is a great aunt of mine so it’s especially going to be fun to see this!

  2. This looks great, can’t wait to see it. I didn’t enjoy the book very much. The plot was good but there were some… interesting choices being made and the characters were very two dimensional. But I’m hoping that the film will have more depth and the costumes look fantastic.

      1. That’s encouraging! Becoming Elizabeth’ s version of Catherine Parr was just an awful, idiotic Shrew, all to make Thomas/Elizabeth’s “betrayal” seem more understandable?! FU Becoming Elizabeth! The potrayal of Princess Mary makes it worth it!

        1. Becoming Eliz really irritated me! So yeah, Firebrand’s Katherine was better, & there wasn’t any big romance between her & Seymour either. They were friends & confidants, but that’s all, whew.

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