More of a fantasy film than historical, but here we are nonetheless. This was one of my favorite books as a child, and I thought the adaptation was quite good if not excellent. A good translation of the characters and action (altho what was with making Susan such a wimp?). The actress who plays Lucy was just great, and it was fun to see Narnia come to life. The few bits of 1940s costumes that we get are quite well done and very wartime influenced. Now onto the fantasy: the witch was not all I dreamed she could be, even leaving aside my gripe about them recasting her look. I read a bit about the costumer’s desire to make her look alien, but I still felt that her weird structured bodies just didn’t work. However, her first appearance swathed in white fur was great, as was her chain mail dress.
1 thought on “The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (2005) short review”
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Lucy is the Catherine of Aragon of the fantasy world, never played as blonde!
‘But Lucy was always gay and golden-haired’