I debated on titling this post “Top Five Frock Flicks Set Between 1490-1520” because...
Top 5 Friday
The five best historical costume movies or TV shows around a weekly theme.
Sarah and I have each listed the top 5 dresses from frock flicks we’d...
We tend not to analyze men’s historical costumes as much here on Frock Flicks...
The ruff may just be the most iconic part of a fashionable late 16th...
I’m a lifelong anglophile and I don’t know if that’s because of my fondness...
So many frock flicks are biographies, of course, and we can debate endlessly how...
I’m not our resident medievalist — that honor goes to Sarah — but there’s...
Trystan has already done one installment of Top Five Epic Rap Battles of History,...
Sarah listed five and then five more. So now it’s my turn! ...
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