Catherine Called Birdy (2022) is an adaptation of a much-beloved Young Adult novel. Set...
Historical costume movies & TV set any time after the fall of Rome to the end of the 14th century.
A few weeks ago I sat down with Nille Glæsel, who was the Viking...
I was lucky enough to grab some time with historical costumier Ninya Mikhaila to...
Before we get started, let’s just understand one thing: Racist bullshit regarding the casting...
Trystan and I keep hoping Sarah — our resident medieval expert — will review The...
I’ve become resigned to the fact that there is no film out there based...
Flashback (2021) is a recent French comedy about a modern-day lawyer who successfully defends...
Robin Hood. The legendary medieval hero/outlaw has been in literally a gazillion movies and...
Support Frock Flicks with a small donation! During Snark Week and beyond, we’re grateful for your...
If you’d have asked me to cast a biopic about Lucille Ball, my first...